DR Panels

From the evolution of Xray images in 1895, there have been different ways of capturing an Xray, early stages Film was the widespread choice all the way to the 1960s when images were taken on cassettes and inserted into a “CR” reader and then sent to a PC to view the images in a three-step process but still way faster than processing old films in a dark room and having to use various chemicals. In the mid-1990s, the first DR panel – Direct Radiographic – was introduced. A simple cassette with built-in technology to both capture and transmit images to a PC.

Doing what we do best …

DR Panels


Our team of dedicated service technicians can install and service your medical equipment. We are also able to take care of ever evolving software technology that go along with these sometimes complex systems , both on site or remotely as the need arises. 

Routine Maintenance

As with anything used on a regular basis, that is an investment. maintaining it is a critical aspect of running smoothly.
CM Imaging West will do maintenance checks with a schedule that suits your needs and budget.  


We can provide your facility with the   latest X-ray , CT , MRI or other modality at the most affordable available prices.  Both New and Used equipment as your practice and budgeting demands.

Site Planning

At CM Imaging West, we provide even the smallest improvement or upgrade with the attention that it deserves. From full building layouts to retrofitting existing spaces to your evolving and growing medical imaging needs- we can help.